Saturday, October 20, 2018

That Girl/This Girl

Have you ever posted a past photo of yourself that was thinner or more athletic or dressed better or whatever? I have done it a lot of times. I thought I was inspiring myself with comments like "that girl had her crap together and this girl is working hard to get back to being her..."

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Journeys are Rarely Linear

Once upon a time, I was a girl who started a journey to weight loss. I thought once I started losing weight, the scale would only ever go down. Oh what a naive girl I was....

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I Divorced my Best Friend

We've all heard that your spouse should be your best friend. That you should be friends and lovers and partners. "Marry someone that is your best friend" is wonderful advice doled out by so many.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

My Honest Prayer

Reading other people's honest words is very therapeutic for me. I have been praying all day long and basically the words have been the same. I thought I'd write them as they came. I hope and pray someone else is encouraged by the honesty and openness in this prayer. I hope that whoever is reading this knows that God is always there for us no matter how much we're struggling or how much pain we're in at the time. Just be honest with Him and ask for His help. Praising Him in the Storm is a lesson I've been trying to learn for years, but today I realized sometimes I need His help to even do that.